Describe the capabilities for customizing the registration experience for external communities (for example; Branding options, self-registration, communications, etc.).

  • Each community by default comes with login, logout, password management and self registration pages and Salesforce provides the underlying code (Apex controllers) for all this. Community Builder or Visualforce can be used to customize branding and this default behavior.
  • Brand Community Login Page
    • We can use out own logo, change background colors, add a custom footer, and even change the content on the right side of the login page. We can specify dynamic branding URLs so that the login page is different depending on who logs in and from where.
    • Change logo from community administration page under workspaces.
      • Logo can be from a file or from a URL (fixed or dynamic).
      • For dynamic branding create a URL with dynamic experience ID parameter (expid)
      • Select the background color of the login page. The color you choose appears as the background on the left side of the login page.
      • Enter the right-frame URL to the right-side content of the login page. The right-frame URL can be fixed or dynamic.
      • Enter your text for the community login page footer, up to 120 characters
  • Create Dynamic Branding URLs
    • When using dynamic branding to customize the login experience, it applies to the entire login process: the initial login page plus related pages, such as two-factor authentication or a login flow. You can add dynamic branding to Community Builder, Visualforce, and custom login pages.
    • Use dynamic URLs for your login pages to present a different look and behavior based on the run-time situation
    • Dynamic branding relies on a URL parameter called the experience ID. The {expid} determines what the user experiences. At run time, the {expid} resolves to the current value, and the appropriate URL is created.
    • We can define dynamic branding URLs for logos and right-frames on the Community Workspaces Administration Login & Registration page. They apply to default and custom login pages.
    • The login implementation must set the login URL according to the value of the experience ID. For example, by adding the logic to your login button, when expid=INTERNAL, the login button directs the user to
    • You can also use Visualforce and Apex to create dynamic URLs. Use the Apex getExperienceId method of the System.Site class to retrieve the value of the experience ID. To set the experience ID, use the setExperienceId method, or add an experience ID dynamic parameter to one of these login endpoints.
  • Customize Community Login Experience
    • If your community uses the Salesforce Tabs + Visualforce template, the login page assigned to the community by default is called CommunitiesLogin. Use Community Builder or Visualforce to customize its appearance.
    • If your community uses the Customer Service template, the login page assigned to the community by default is called Login. Use Community Builder to customize its appearance.
    • To update the login behavior for Visualforce and Community Builder pages, update the CommunitiesLoginController Apex controller.
    • If you create a custom login page, you must first modify the CommunitiesLoginController Apex controller and the Site.login() Apex method before you can assign it to a community.
    • If you create dynamic logos and right-frame URLs, modify your login implementation to direct the user to the appropriate login URL based on the run-time situation.
    • You must publish custom Community Builder pages before you can assign them to a community.
    • The login page you select in Community Workspaces overrides other login page assignments in or Salesforce site settings.
  • Use Login Discovery to Simplify login
    • If you want external users to log in with another identifier than their username, such as a phone number or email address, configure your community with the Login Discovery Page. After users enter the identifier, they are challenged to verify themselves. For example, they might need to enter a verification code sent via email or text. If the user correctly enters the code on the Verify page generated by Salesforce, the user is logged in to your community. If SSO-enabled, Login Discovery can send the user directly to the identity provider login page. With Login Discovery, users can identity themselves using an email address or phone number. It also supports custom identifiers, such as an employee number or federation ID, in Apex.
  • You can provide community members with a custom login page that reflects your org’s style and branding. To change the look, customize the CommunitiesLogin login page, or create your own Visualforce page. To change login behavior, modify the CommunitiesLoginController Apex controller.
  • When community members log out, they’re taken to your community login page by default. You can choose to redirect them to a different location, such as your company website. Specify the URL to which community members are redirected when they log out from your community.
  • You can customize Forgot Password and Change Password pages from the Workspaces Administration Login & Registration page. Or you can create custom password pages in Visualforce. You can also customize the default password templates in Visualforce.
  • Enable self-registration to allow unlicensed guest users to join your community. When your users self-register, you can choose to save them as contacts under a business account or create a person account for each self-registering user.
    • Salesforce creates a user record with the information provided on the self-registration page.
    • The user is assigned the profile that you specified when you set up self-registration.
    • The user is associated with a business account or a person account, depending on how you set up your org.
    • If a user attempts to self-register under a username already in use, they will get an error message. Salesforce administrators will not be notified when the error occurs.
  • You can use the default self-registration page to sign up visitors with a username and password. But to give visitors a simpler, mobile-centric self-registration experience, use the Configurable Self-Reg Page. With this self-registration page, users can sign up with only an email address or phone number, instead of having to create a username and password. With this lightweight sign-up process, you can limit the amount of information that you collect from the users when they sign up. On subsequent logins, you can get more information, building a member’s profile through progressive profiling powered by the login flow.
  • When users sign up for your community with an email address or phone number, Salesforce sends them a verification code and generates the Verify page. The Verify page is where users confirm their identity, and you can replace the default Verify page with your own using Visualforce and a couple of Apex methods. After verifying their email address, external users can log in with one-time password (OTP) via email (passwordless login).
    • Salesforce actually supplies two default Verify pages, one for email and one for SMS verification. For convenience, you can brand the default Verify pages with your logo, colors, and background, but you can’t change the form itself. Here’s the default Verify page for SMS verification.


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